cre·ate /krēˈāt/ verb bring (something) into existence. If you know me, you know that I truly live a crafty life. My home is filled with my creations and there is evidence of my craft everywhere. There is a sewing corner in my living room, a soap manufacturing center in my dining room and my craft room is wall to wall yarn, books, fabrics, ribbons, beads, tools and treasures. I am often asked what keeps me going. What is it that keeps me coming up with things to make. I am often inspired by other artist work. Sometimes I’m inspired by the colors of a bird, a garden or a place. Often my creations come out of a desire to help or heal. This is especially true of my lotions and potions. I will have to say that the biggest inspiration of my early creative life was my grandmother. My Nannie. I’ve been sewing since I was a small girl at the feet of my nannie. I would use her old slips and blouses to make clothes for my Barbie doll. Soon, she was showing me how to cut a pattern and sew on her machine. She was a beautiful woman and a wonderful grandmother and I believe I inherited her creative gene. She created dolls, clothes and home decorations my entire life. She died young, at age 66. I grieve for her to this day. She was the one person in my life that love and accepted me as I was. The law of attraction says that if you think of something / have an intention and put emotion behind it you can call that thought into creation. I’ve seen this work time and time again. When I create something, it is a result of a simmering of that idea in my head until I put it into form. This happens with most of the things I make. There are some items, like soap, that often I create on a whim or in collaboration . I have held a scent under Leilanis nose and asked her, what color does this smell like? Sometimes with lotions I deviate off the original recipe and add silk peptide or a vitamin B mixture or some other yummy ingredient I ran across while creating that recipe. My personal motto is “ don’t hold back”. If a thought wants to manifest itself- go with it. Filthy Pig was born from this process. I thought for a couple of years about starting a small business to supplement my income and allow me to share some of myself with others. I create my soaps and bath products out of the best ingredients I can find. Sometimes I gather ingredients for weeks as an idea takes shape in my head. I have taken cosmetic manufacturing classes to learn the science of soap and lotion making and together with my creative flow, have created some fine spa quality products. Products Im proud to give my family. Products that I’m proud to share with others. I hope I can inspire you to follow your creative energies. Whether its in the kitchen, garden, sewing room or soap room. I hope you pick up that which brings you joy and create something wonderful.
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